Conversation Pieces

Hello everyone!  Thank you so much for joining me as I reveal conversation pieces, my video blog, where I share my personal stories, thoughts on life issues we experience every day, my personal relationship with God and the relationships I have with people God destined for me to meet on my life's journey.  I have experienced life's peaks and valleys like so many others, and I believe that we are placed on this earth to be blessed and be a blessing.

Because we all have different experiences, backgrounds and support systems that have impacted who we are at the core, I respect other people's stories. Therefore, I ask that you respect my stories, perspectives and my right to be uniquely me.  As I expose myself by being vulnerable and transparent about my experiences, I hope and pray that these stories will immensely bless all those who hear them. 

Patrice Hubert, it was absolutely stellar having you on CaSaundra Jolliff Live Show!!! You made my day, night, Christmas, 4th of July & New Year!!! XOXO Can't wait to have you back!!!

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Heart of Gold CEO & Founder, Patrice Hubert, speaks on having "Courageous Faith."

Related Scripture:

Psalms 31:24 states, “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord.”

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Heart of Gold CEO & Founder, Patrice Hubert, speaks on that fact that God doesn't forget you.

Related Scripture:

Through the prophet Isaiah, God makes a tremendously comforting promise. You may feel completely forgotten by every human being in your life, but God will not forget you: "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close" (Psalm 27:10, NLT)

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